Ann Katharine Mitchell

Ann Katharine Mitchell (née Williamson) was born 19 November 1922 and during World War II was one of the women who worked on decrypting messages encoded in the German Enigma cypher at Bletchley Park. She has written several academic books about the psychological effects of divorce on children including "Someone to Turn to: Experiences of Help Before Divorce" (1981) and "Children in the Middle: Living Through Divorce" (1985). She married John Angus Macbeth Mitchell in December 1948 and lives in Edinburgh.

Ann Katharine Mitchell

Ann Katharine Mitchell (née Williamson) was born 19 November 1922 and during World War II was one of the women who worked on decrypting messages encoded in the German Enigma cypher at Bletchley Park. She has written several academic books about the psychological effects of divorce on children including "Someone to Turn to: Experiences of Help Before Divorce" (1981) and "Children in the Middle: Living Through Divorce" (1985). She married John Angus Macbeth Mitchell in December 1948 and lives in Edinburgh.