Anteos menippe

Anteos menippe, the orange-tipped angled-sulphur, is a butterfly of the family Pieridae. It is found from Mexico to South America. The upperside of the males is yellow with pale orange wing tips as the common name suggests. The females have two forms, one similar to the male and the other white, with black markings on the forewing edges. The underwings have several odd shaped orange markings. Adults feed on the nectar, while the larvae feed on Cassia species.

Anteos menippe

Anteos menippe, the orange-tipped angled-sulphur, is a butterfly of the family Pieridae. It is found from Mexico to South America. The upperside of the males is yellow with pale orange wing tips as the common name suggests. The females have two forms, one similar to the male and the other white, with black markings on the forewing edges. The underwings have several odd shaped orange markings. Adults feed on the nectar, while the larvae feed on Cassia species.