Antilles racer

The Antilles racer (Alsophis antillensis) is a species of snake found in the Caribbean, on the Lesser Antilles islands of Montserrat, Dominica, and Guadeloupe. It is common only on Dominica, where it can be found in all areas except the highest elevations, possibly due to the absence of the mongoose on that island. It can reach nearly a meter in length. It feeds on lizards and small rodents. It rarely bites humans, but may release a foul-smelling (though harmless) cloacal secretion when disturbed.

Antilles racer

The Antilles racer (Alsophis antillensis) is a species of snake found in the Caribbean, on the Lesser Antilles islands of Montserrat, Dominica, and Guadeloupe. It is common only on Dominica, where it can be found in all areas except the highest elevations, possibly due to the absence of the mongoose on that island. It can reach nearly a meter in length. It feeds on lizards and small rodents. It rarely bites humans, but may release a foul-smelling (though harmless) cloacal secretion when disturbed.