Apache Singa

The Singa project was initiated by the DB System Group at National University of Singapore in 2014. It focused on distributed deep learning by partitioning the model and data onto nodes in a cluster and parallelize the training. The prototype was accepted by Apache Incubator in March 2015. Four versions have been released as shown In the following table. Since V1.0, SINGA is general to support traditional machine learning models such as logistic regression.

Apache Singa

The Singa project was initiated by the DB System Group at National University of Singapore in 2014. It focused on distributed deep learning by partitioning the model and data onto nodes in a cluster and parallelize the training. The prototype was accepted by Apache Incubator in March 2015. Four versions have been released as shown In the following table. Since V1.0, SINGA is general to support traditional machine learning models such as logistic regression.