
The website Metal Maniacs (June 2004) wrote "While some of the guitar parts sound a little rusty and slightly off-key in spots, the acoustics, overall presentation, clean-to-harsh vocal jumps and progressive songwriting make this outing a keeper. Fans of Control Denied, Sceptic, Cynic and Nightwish should find haven in this one." "By combining their strong command of expression and composition with exceptional musicianship, Aletheian have set a new standard for progressive Death Metal." writes Smother.net Norwegian SCREAM Magazine (November 2003) wrote "The band seems a little drowsy in these parts, and the progrock sounding parts are dragged out a bit too much, before new musical faces appear." Matt Morrow of The Whipping Post reports "Aletheian has dared to step out on a limb with this t


The website Metal Maniacs (June 2004) wrote "While some of the guitar parts sound a little rusty and slightly off-key in spots, the acoustics, overall presentation, clean-to-harsh vocal jumps and progressive songwriting make this outing a keeper. Fans of Control Denied, Sceptic, Cynic and Nightwish should find haven in this one." "By combining their strong command of expression and composition with exceptional musicianship, Aletheian have set a new standard for progressive Death Metal." writes Smother.net Norwegian SCREAM Magazine (November 2003) wrote "The band seems a little drowsy in these parts, and the progrock sounding parts are dragged out a bit too much, before new musical faces appear." Matt Morrow of The Whipping Post reports "Aletheian has dared to step out on a limb with this t