
Apotemnophilia is a neurological disorder characterized by the intense and long-standing desire for amputation of a specific limb, or a need to become paralyzed, blind or deaf. Another more recent term for it is body integrity identity disorder (BIID) in which otherwise sane and rational individuals express a strong and specific desire for the amputation of a healthy limb or limbs. Apotemnophilia has features in common with somatoparaphrenia. Some apotemnophiles seek surgeons to perform an amputation or purposefully injure a limb in order to force emergency medical amputation.


Apotemnophilia is a neurological disorder characterized by the intense and long-standing desire for amputation of a specific limb, or a need to become paralyzed, blind or deaf. Another more recent term for it is body integrity identity disorder (BIID) in which otherwise sane and rational individuals express a strong and specific desire for the amputation of a healthy limb or limbs. Apotemnophilia has features in common with somatoparaphrenia. Some apotemnophiles seek surgeons to perform an amputation or purposefully injure a limb in order to force emergency medical amputation.