Arab cuisine of the Persian Gulf

Arab cuisine of the Persian Gulf includes cuisines that are shared by the population in the coastal region of Eastern Arabia. Seafood is a very significant part of the diet of the inhabitants of the coast of the Persian Gulf. Fish is very popular, usually eaten with rice. The cuisine of eastern Arabia is different from the cuisine of the Arabs of Hejaz, Najd and other parts of Arabia. Harees is also a very popular dish in the region.

Arab cuisine of the Persian Gulf

Arab cuisine of the Persian Gulf includes cuisines that are shared by the population in the coastal region of Eastern Arabia. Seafood is a very significant part of the diet of the inhabitants of the coast of the Persian Gulf. Fish is very popular, usually eaten with rice. The cuisine of eastern Arabia is different from the cuisine of the Arabs of Hejaz, Najd and other parts of Arabia. Harees is also a very popular dish in the region.