
Araxa (Ἄραξα) was a city of ancient Lycia, according to Alexander Polyhistor, in the second book of his Lysiaca. Ptolemy places it near Sidyma. A rare coin, with the epigraph ΛΥΚΙΩΝ APA., is attributed to this place by Domenico Sestini. It is located at place called Ören, near Fethiye, on the upper portion of the Xanthus River.


Araxa (Ἄραξα) was a city of ancient Lycia, according to Alexander Polyhistor, in the second book of his Lysiaca. Ptolemy places it near Sidyma. A rare coin, with the epigraph ΛΥΚΙΩΝ APA., is attributed to this place by Domenico Sestini. It is located at place called Ören, near Fethiye, on the upper portion of the Xanthus River.