
Artematica Entertainment (known as Artematica) is an Italian developer of software, especially video games, established in the comune of Chiavari, near Genoa. The company develops on the platforms: Android, Apple's iOS, Facebook, Mobile phones, PC, Sony (PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, and PSP), Nintendo (DS, and Wii), and Web. Founded in 1996 by Riccardo Cangini, Artematica produces and develops multi-platform video games for training well-differentiated, often based on international licenses, and mainly focused in the genre of adventure games.


Artematica Entertainment (known as Artematica) is an Italian developer of software, especially video games, established in the comune of Chiavari, near Genoa. The company develops on the platforms: Android, Apple's iOS, Facebook, Mobile phones, PC, Sony (PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, and PSP), Nintendo (DS, and Wii), and Web. Founded in 1996 by Riccardo Cangini, Artematica produces and develops multi-platform video games for training well-differentiated, often based on international licenses, and mainly focused in the genre of adventure games.