Articulation (education)

Articulation, or more specifically course articulation, is the process of comparing the content of courses that are transferred between postsecondary institutions such as TAFE institutes, colleges or universities. In other words, course articulation is the process by which one institution matches its courses or requirements to course work completed at another institution. Students use course articulation to assure that courses they complete will not have to be repeated at the institution to which they are transferring.

Articulation (education)

Articulation, or more specifically course articulation, is the process of comparing the content of courses that are transferred between postsecondary institutions such as TAFE institutes, colleges or universities. In other words, course articulation is the process by which one institution matches its courses or requirements to course work completed at another institution. Students use course articulation to assure that courses they complete will not have to be repeated at the institution to which they are transferring.