Arts Guild Theatre (Greenock)

The Arts Guild Theatre is located in Greenock, Scotland. The idea for the theatre was conceived by a group of local drama enthusiasts in 1946. The building contains two theatres, the Wallace Bennett Theatre and the Main Auditorium, and was previously a disused Victorian swimming pool. The Guild is now half receiving house and half producing house featuring performers including Dorothy Paul, Scottish Opera, Dean Park, Frank Pilkington and other acts such as Frankie Boyle and Amy Macdonald.

Arts Guild Theatre (Greenock)

The Arts Guild Theatre is located in Greenock, Scotland. The idea for the theatre was conceived by a group of local drama enthusiasts in 1946. The building contains two theatres, the Wallace Bennett Theatre and the Main Auditorium, and was previously a disused Victorian swimming pool. The Guild is now half receiving house and half producing house featuring performers including Dorothy Paul, Scottish Opera, Dean Park, Frank Pilkington and other acts such as Frankie Boyle and Amy Macdonald.