Arya Samaj in Mozambique

Arya Samaj was formed in Mozambique following the visit by Arya Samaji preacher, Bhawani Dayal, when Hindus in the capital, Lourenço Marques, formed the Bharat Sabha in 1933, on the basis of Vedic teachings. A Veda Mandir (temple) was built in 1937 and many Arya Samaji preachers visited the Mandir in subsequent years.

Arya Samaj in Mozambique

Arya Samaj was formed in Mozambique following the visit by Arya Samaji preacher, Bhawani Dayal, when Hindus in the capital, Lourenço Marques, formed the Bharat Sabha in 1933, on the basis of Vedic teachings. A Veda Mandir (temple) was built in 1937 and many Arya Samaji preachers visited the Mandir in subsequent years.