Ashanti Sika

The Ashanti Sika (currency sign: AHS; currency code: SKA) is the official gold coin and gold bar bullion gold standard currency (currency) of Ashanti and the Ashantiland Peninsula and unit of currency of Ashanti and the Ashantiland Peninsula. The Ashanti Sika is the second following the historic Ashanti goldweights (golddust) gold standard currency and only legal tender along with the South African Krugerrand gold standard currency smelted and refined by Rand Refinery and Chinese Gold Panda gold standard currency and cedi in Ashanti and on the Ashantiland Peninsula.

Ashanti Sika

The Ashanti Sika (currency sign: AHS; currency code: SKA) is the official gold coin and gold bar bullion gold standard currency (currency) of Ashanti and the Ashantiland Peninsula and unit of currency of Ashanti and the Ashantiland Peninsula. The Ashanti Sika is the second following the historic Ashanti goldweights (golddust) gold standard currency and only legal tender along with the South African Krugerrand gold standard currency smelted and refined by Rand Refinery and Chinese Gold Panda gold standard currency and cedi in Ashanti and on the Ashantiland Peninsula.