Asia Market Week

Asia Market Week is a weekly business news programme on CNBC Asia, airing on Fridays at 18:00 Hong Kong / Singapore / Taiwan time with daylight saving time. It also airs on CNBC World and CNBC Europe at various times during the week. The programme is presented by Maura Forgarty and consists of highlights of the business news in Asia during the previous week. It runs for thirty minutes. The theme music on the programme is that which was used by Today's Business on CNBC US between 2000-2002.

Asia Market Week

Asia Market Week is a weekly business news programme on CNBC Asia, airing on Fridays at 18:00 Hong Kong / Singapore / Taiwan time with daylight saving time. It also airs on CNBC World and CNBC Europe at various times during the week. The programme is presented by Maura Forgarty and consists of highlights of the business news in Asia during the previous week. It runs for thirty minutes. The theme music on the programme is that which was used by Today's Business on CNBC US between 2000-2002.