Assyria and Germany in Anglo-Israelism

In Anglo-Israelism and some currents of U.S. Christian fundamentalism, the idea has been advanced that modern Germans are partly descended from the ancient Assyrians. This notion was entertained by Edward Hine, although it is incorrect as the native Germans are actually to this day referenced as Allemanni in the Syriac language. The only link to the region of Germany by Assyria are the expeditions into that region such as the ones by Prince Trebeta who colonized what is today Trier, which is annunciated by the Archbishops of Trier in records known as the Gesta Treverorum.

Assyria and Germany in Anglo-Israelism

In Anglo-Israelism and some currents of U.S. Christian fundamentalism, the idea has been advanced that modern Germans are partly descended from the ancient Assyrians. This notion was entertained by Edward Hine, although it is incorrect as the native Germans are actually to this day referenced as Allemanni in the Syriac language. The only link to the region of Germany by Assyria are the expeditions into that region such as the ones by Prince Trebeta who colonized what is today Trier, which is annunciated by the Archbishops of Trier in records known as the Gesta Treverorum.