Audience development

The Arts Council of England developed a definition that attempts to embrace this broad term: "The term Audience Development describes activity which is undertaken specifically to meet the needs of existing and potential audiences and to help arts [and cultural] organisations to develop on-going relationships with audiences. It can include aspects of marketing, commissioning, programming, education, customer care and distribution." Different types of Audience Development activity are suitable for different types of organisations, from the large scale concert hall to the small scale arts centre.

Audience development

The Arts Council of England developed a definition that attempts to embrace this broad term: "The term Audience Development describes activity which is undertaken specifically to meet the needs of existing and potential audiences and to help arts [and cultural] organisations to develop on-going relationships with audiences. It can include aspects of marketing, commissioning, programming, education, customer care and distribution." Different types of Audience Development activity are suitable for different types of organisations, from the large scale concert hall to the small scale arts centre.