
Austrått or Austrått Manor (in Norwegian: Austråttborgen) is a manor in Ørland municipality, Sør-Trøndelag, Norway. Since the 10th century Austrått has been the residence for many noblemen, noblewomen and officials who played a significant role in Norwegian history. In historical records Austrått can also be found written as Østråt, Østeraat, Østeraad, Austaat and Austråt. The name Austrått is thought to derive from the old Norse terms for eastern (austr) and direction or (átt), which could be interpreted as eastbound, or possibly the eastern property.


Austrått or Austrått Manor (in Norwegian: Austråttborgen) is a manor in Ørland municipality, Sør-Trøndelag, Norway. Since the 10th century Austrått has been the residence for many noblemen, noblewomen and officials who played a significant role in Norwegian history. In historical records Austrått can also be found written as Østråt, Østeraat, Østeraad, Austaat and Austråt. The name Austrått is thought to derive from the old Norse terms for eastern (austr) and direction or (átt), which could be interpreted as eastbound, or possibly the eastern property.