Automated decision support

Automated Decision Support, or ADS, systems are rule-based systems that are able to automatically provide solutions to repetitive management problems. ADSs are very closely related to business informatics and business analytics. Automated Decision Support systems are based on business rules. These business rules can be created or operated by the business analytics. The business rules can trigger an automatic decision that is part of the business informatics. Components to ADSs are also provided by software development companies. The following components are provided:

Automated decision support

Automated Decision Support, or ADS, systems are rule-based systems that are able to automatically provide solutions to repetitive management problems. ADSs are very closely related to business informatics and business analytics. Automated Decision Support systems are based on business rules. These business rules can be created or operated by the business analytics. The business rules can trigger an automatic decision that is part of the business informatics. Components to ADSs are also provided by software development companies. The following components are provided: