Automobile folklore

The major effects of the automobile on societies include the development of diverse customs and traditions. Some drivers believe that a new car is in greater danger than a used car of getting into an accident or having a collision. Drivers will leave change under their seats and use one coin to scratch the car. This is based on the belief that since the car is new and nothing has happened to it yet, the chances of something bad happening to the car is greater when compared to a used car which already has its fair share of dents and scratches. In hopes of preventing a high damaging accident, they will place a small nick or scratch on the car in an area where it will not be seen. The inside of the wheel well is one commonly scratched area.

Automobile folklore

The major effects of the automobile on societies include the development of diverse customs and traditions. Some drivers believe that a new car is in greater danger than a used car of getting into an accident or having a collision. Drivers will leave change under their seats and use one coin to scratch the car. This is based on the belief that since the car is new and nothing has happened to it yet, the chances of something bad happening to the car is greater when compared to a used car which already has its fair share of dents and scratches. In hopes of preventing a high damaging accident, they will place a small nick or scratch on the car in an area where it will not be seen. The inside of the wheel well is one commonly scratched area.