
Auzolan (neighborhood labor in Basque) was a political coalition in the Southern Basque Country, created on 26 March 1983. It was a coalition between the Liga Komunista Iraultzailea (LKI), Langile Abertzale Iraultzaileen Alderdia (LAIA, one of the parties that founded Herri Batasuna) and Nueva Izquierda (a split Euskadiko Ezkerra), and had the support of the Communist Movement of Euskadi (EMK). The spokesperson of Auzolan was Bixente Serrano Izko.


Auzolan (neighborhood labor in Basque) was a political coalition in the Southern Basque Country, created on 26 March 1983. It was a coalition between the Liga Komunista Iraultzailea (LKI), Langile Abertzale Iraultzaileen Alderdia (LAIA, one of the parties that founded Herri Batasuna) and Nueva Izquierda (a split Euskadiko Ezkerra), and had the support of the Communist Movement of Euskadi (EMK). The spokesperson of Auzolan was Bixente Serrano Izko.