Average Betty

Average Betty is a short-format, food entertainment web series written, produced, and performed by Sara O'Donnell. The web series debuted on iTunes in August 2006 as an innovative blend of cooking and campy comedy sketches. The unique format caused some people to question if Average Betty was even a cooking show at all. The show attracted millions of viewers and it received accolades from both new and traditional media, including Fox News, Yahoo!, and the food editors at the Los Angeles Times, and The Tampa Tribune.

Average Betty

Average Betty is a short-format, food entertainment web series written, produced, and performed by Sara O'Donnell. The web series debuted on iTunes in August 2006 as an innovative blend of cooking and campy comedy sketches. The unique format caused some people to question if Average Betty was even a cooking show at all. The show attracted millions of viewers and it received accolades from both new and traditional media, including Fox News, Yahoo!, and the food editors at the Los Angeles Times, and The Tampa Tribune.