Avila TV

Ávila TV is a regional television channel created by the Venezuelan government and then Caracas metropolitan mayor, Juan Barreto. It was inaugurated on July 6, 2006 with an investment of about 11m bolívares fuertes ($5.1m United States dollars). It can be seen in the metropolitan area of Caracas on UHF channel 47, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A good portion of its audience accesses it on-line. Focusing on music and culture, it attracts young adults mainly between the ages of 14 and 30.

Avila TV

Ávila TV is a regional television channel created by the Venezuelan government and then Caracas metropolitan mayor, Juan Barreto. It was inaugurated on July 6, 2006 with an investment of about 11m bolívares fuertes ($5.1m United States dollars). It can be seen in the metropolitan area of Caracas on UHF channel 47, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A good portion of its audience accesses it on-line. Focusing on music and culture, it attracts young adults mainly between the ages of 14 and 30.