BBYO International Programs

International Convention (IC) is held every year in February. International, regional and council leaders meet to discuss the goals of the organization, and elect international boards for the next year. A more business-oriented portion of the convention specifically for regional and council presidents is referred to as "Feb Execs", which takes place before the convention starts. International Convention concludes with the elections of the new international boards for the following school year. The newly elected officers do not take office, however, until the following August.

BBYO International Programs

International Convention (IC) is held every year in February. International, regional and council leaders meet to discuss the goals of the organization, and elect international boards for the next year. A more business-oriented portion of the convention specifically for regional and council presidents is referred to as "Feb Execs", which takes place before the convention starts. International Convention concludes with the elections of the new international boards for the following school year. The newly elected officers do not take office, however, until the following August.