Baby-Face Mouse

Baby-Face Mouse is a Walter Lantz character, who made his first appearance in the cartoon Cheese-Nappers, in 1938. His final appearance was in 1939, in Arabs With Dirty Fezzes. List of appearances: * Cheese-Nappers (07/04?/1938 or 07/14?/1938) * The Big Cat And The Little Mousie (08/15/1938) - reissued as The Big Cat And The Little Mouse * The Cat And The Bell (10/03/1938) * Sailor Mouse (11/07/1938) - reissued as Willie Mouse - Sailor Boy * The Disobedient Mouse (11/28/1938) - reissued as Baby Face Battler * I'm Just A Jitterbug (01/23/1939) - sketch in background only * The Magic Beans (02/13/1939) - Baby-Face Mouse as Beanie * Little Tough Mice (03/13/1939) - reissued as Crime Buster * Arabs With Dirty Fezzes (07/31/1939) - reissued as The Arabs With Dirty Fezzes

Baby-Face Mouse

Baby-Face Mouse is a Walter Lantz character, who made his first appearance in the cartoon Cheese-Nappers, in 1938. His final appearance was in 1939, in Arabs With Dirty Fezzes. List of appearances: * Cheese-Nappers (07/04?/1938 or 07/14?/1938) * The Big Cat And The Little Mousie (08/15/1938) - reissued as The Big Cat And The Little Mouse * The Cat And The Bell (10/03/1938) * Sailor Mouse (11/07/1938) - reissued as Willie Mouse - Sailor Boy * The Disobedient Mouse (11/28/1938) - reissued as Baby Face Battler * I'm Just A Jitterbug (01/23/1939) - sketch in background only * The Magic Beans (02/13/1939) - Baby-Face Mouse as Beanie * Little Tough Mice (03/13/1939) - reissued as Crime Buster * Arabs With Dirty Fezzes (07/31/1939) - reissued as The Arabs With Dirty Fezzes