Badjelly's Bad Christmas

Badjelly's Bad Christmas was a play created and performed by the Chickenshed Theatre Company, based on the works of Spike Milligan. It followed the journey of two arguing sisters, Kate and Laura, who had gone to visit their Grandad for the Christmas after they pushed their mother to the verge of mental breakdown. When they arrived at their Grandad's house they realised that he had acquired a new girlfriend. His own wife had died two years previously. It turned out that his new girlfriend, who claimed she was called Barbara Jelly, was in fact the evil witch Badjelly.

Badjelly's Bad Christmas

Badjelly's Bad Christmas was a play created and performed by the Chickenshed Theatre Company, based on the works of Spike Milligan. It followed the journey of two arguing sisters, Kate and Laura, who had gone to visit their Grandad for the Christmas after they pushed their mother to the verge of mental breakdown. When they arrived at their Grandad's house they realised that he had acquired a new girlfriend. His own wife had died two years previously. It turned out that his new girlfriend, who claimed she was called Barbara Jelly, was in fact the evil witch Badjelly.