
The Badoon are a reptilian alien species in the fictional Marvel Comics universe. They are notable for living under strict gender segregation, resulting in two separate societies; the Brotherhood of Badoon (ruled by a "Brother Royal") and the Sisterhood of Badoon (ruled by a Queen). The Brotherhood live on the planet Moord in the Lomora star system while the Sisterhood reside on the Badoon homeworld of Lotiara (Capella II, also known as "Swampworld"), 42.2 light years from Earth.


The Badoon are a reptilian alien species in the fictional Marvel Comics universe. They are notable for living under strict gender segregation, resulting in two separate societies; the Brotherhood of Badoon (ruled by a "Brother Royal") and the Sisterhood of Badoon (ruled by a Queen). The Brotherhood live on the planet Moord in the Lomora star system while the Sisterhood reside on the Badoon homeworld of Lotiara (Capella II, also known as "Swampworld"), 42.2 light years from Earth.