
A bairro (lit. quarter, Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈbajʁu]) is a community or region within a city or municipality of Brazil, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, or some of Portugal. Regions referred to as bairros exist in most major Brazilian cities. Related English words include: "neighborhood" or "district" and "borough" or "subdivision". "Bairro" as a Portuguese word is cognate with Germanic berg, burg, borg, burgh, borough (etc.) and Spanish barrio, all of which descend from the same Proto-Indo European root.


A bairro (lit. quarter, Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈbajʁu]) is a community or region within a city or municipality of Brazil, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, or some of Portugal. Regions referred to as bairros exist in most major Brazilian cities. Related English words include: "neighborhood" or "district" and "borough" or "subdivision". "Bairro" as a Portuguese word is cognate with Germanic berg, burg, borg, burgh, borough (etc.) and Spanish barrio, all of which descend from the same Proto-Indo European root.