Balrampur, Chhattisgarh

Balrampur is the headquarter of Balrampur-Ramanujganj district of Chhattisgarh state of India. It is the administrative headquarters of the Balrampur-Ramanujganj district, located 441 km North from the state headquarters Raipur. National Highway 130 and 343 passes through Balrampur. This is also one of the important junction Connecting Ambikapur, Ramanujganj, Kusmi and Pratappur and Rajpur.

Balrampur, Chhattisgarh

Balrampur is the headquarter of Balrampur-Ramanujganj district of Chhattisgarh state of India. It is the administrative headquarters of the Balrampur-Ramanujganj district, located 441 km North from the state headquarters Raipur. National Highway 130 and 343 passes through Balrampur. This is also one of the important junction Connecting Ambikapur, Ramanujganj, Kusmi and Pratappur and Rajpur.