Bamboo wife

A bamboo wife (竹夫人; Chinese: zhúfūrén; Korean: 죽부인, jukbuin; Japanese: chikufujin), also known as a Dutch wife or in Tagalog as kawil (literally, fish hook or chain), is a hollow bamboo bolster roughly the size of a human body. Bamboo wives are typically hand-woven from bamboo cane.

Bamboo wife

A bamboo wife (竹夫人; Chinese: zhúfūrén; Korean: 죽부인, jukbuin; Japanese: chikufujin), also known as a Dutch wife or in Tagalog as kawil (literally, fish hook or chain), is a hollow bamboo bolster roughly the size of a human body. Bamboo wives are typically hand-woven from bamboo cane.