Band-rumped swift

The band-rumped swift (Chaetura spinicaudus) is a small swift. Until 1998, it was known as Chaetura spinicauda. At that time, the previously considered subspecies Costa Rican swift, Chaetura fumosa, was split from this species and the scientific name was modified from C. spinacauda to C. spinacaudus. It breeds in forested areas from Costa Rica south and east to Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, the Guianas, Trinidad and northeast Brazil. The nest is a half saucer of twigs glued to the inside of a tree hole or similar shaded location with saliva. It has a chittering csinck call.

Band-rumped swift

The band-rumped swift (Chaetura spinicaudus) is a small swift. Until 1998, it was known as Chaetura spinicauda. At that time, the previously considered subspecies Costa Rican swift, Chaetura fumosa, was split from this species and the scientific name was modified from C. spinacauda to C. spinacaudus. It breeds in forested areas from Costa Rica south and east to Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, the Guianas, Trinidad and northeast Brazil. The nest is a half saucer of twigs glued to the inside of a tree hole or similar shaded location with saliva. It has a chittering csinck call.