Banyan switch

In electronics, a banyan switch is a complex crossover switch used in electrical or optical switches. It is named for its resemblance to the roots of the banyan tree which cross over in complex patterns. Logical banyan switches are used in logic or signal pathways to crossover switching of signals onto new pathways. They can be mechanical microelectromechanical systems, electrical or optical NLO. Their complexity depends on the topology of the individual switches in a switch matrix (how wide it is by how many 'plies' or layers of switches it takes), to implement a desired crossover logic.

Banyan switch

In electronics, a banyan switch is a complex crossover switch used in electrical or optical switches. It is named for its resemblance to the roots of the banyan tree which cross over in complex patterns. Logical banyan switches are used in logic or signal pathways to crossover switching of signals onto new pathways. They can be mechanical microelectromechanical systems, electrical or optical NLO. Their complexity depends on the topology of the individual switches in a switch matrix (how wide it is by how many 'plies' or layers of switches it takes), to implement a desired crossover logic.