Barisan Alternatif

The Barisan Alternatif (BA, Alternative Front in Malay) was a coalition of Malaysian opposition parties, formed as a counterweight to the ruling Barisan Nasional. Disbanded after the 2004 general elections, all 4 former component parties of BA (then 3, after a merger of 2 of the parties) have formed a new coalition, Pakatan Rakyat, following the 2008 general elections.

Barisan Alternatif

The Barisan Alternatif (BA, Alternative Front in Malay) was a coalition of Malaysian opposition parties, formed as a counterweight to the ruling Barisan Nasional. Disbanded after the 2004 general elections, all 4 former component parties of BA (then 3, after a merger of 2 of the parties) have formed a new coalition, Pakatan Rakyat, following the 2008 general elections.