
Batadorp is a neighbourhood of the Dutch town of Best, just northwest of Eindhoven, which the Czech Bata Shoes company built a factory in 1934 on land that the company bought from the municipality. Bata sought expansion abroad, partly to circumvent tariffs, and built factories and entire villages. Bata had operated shops in the Netherlands since 1922, and chose to locate in Best because land and labour were cheaply available. It also had good transport links, being at the junction of the Wilhelmina Canal with the Beatrix Canal and close to a railway. The factory it built there in 1933 was an exact copy of the headquarters in Zlín.


Batadorp is a neighbourhood of the Dutch town of Best, just northwest of Eindhoven, which the Czech Bata Shoes company built a factory in 1934 on land that the company bought from the municipality. Bata sought expansion abroad, partly to circumvent tariffs, and built factories and entire villages. Bata had operated shops in the Netherlands since 1922, and chose to locate in Best because land and labour were cheaply available. It also had good transport links, being at the junction of the Wilhelmina Canal with the Beatrix Canal and close to a railway. The factory it built there in 1933 was an exact copy of the headquarters in Zlín.