Battle for The Hague

The Battle for The Hague was one of the first opposed paratroop assaults in history. (Unopposed assaults took place on 9 April 1940 against Masnedøfortet and Aalborg airport, Denmark.) (The first opposed assaults took place on 9 April 1940 against Sola airport, Norway.) It took place on 10 May 1940 as part of the Battle of the Netherlands between the Royal Netherlands Army and Luftwaffe Fallschirmjäger (paratroops). German paratroopers dropped in and around The Hague in order to capture Dutch airfields and the city. After taking the city, the plan was to force the Dutch queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands to surrender and to thus defeat the Kingdom of the Netherlands within a single day. The operation failed to capture the Queen, and the German forces failed to hold on to the airfields aft

Battle for The Hague

The Battle for The Hague was one of the first opposed paratroop assaults in history. (Unopposed assaults took place on 9 April 1940 against Masnedøfortet and Aalborg airport, Denmark.) (The first opposed assaults took place on 9 April 1940 against Sola airport, Norway.) It took place on 10 May 1940 as part of the Battle of the Netherlands between the Royal Netherlands Army and Luftwaffe Fallschirmjäger (paratroops). German paratroopers dropped in and around The Hague in order to capture Dutch airfields and the city. After taking the city, the plan was to force the Dutch queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands to surrender and to thus defeat the Kingdom of the Netherlands within a single day. The operation failed to capture the Queen, and the German forces failed to hold on to the airfields aft