Battle of Brumath

The Battle of Brumath in AD 356 was part of Roman Emperor Julian the Apostate's campaigns against the Germanic tribes. Following the Battle of Reims, Julian's forces pursued several Germanic war bands through the Gallic countryside. Outside Brocomagus (Brumath), one war band met Julian in open battle and the Romans were victorious. Although casualties were not numerous, the Germanic defeat was sufficiently great to have a deterrent effect on other tribal groups in the area, and to partially restore order.

Battle of Brumath

The Battle of Brumath in AD 356 was part of Roman Emperor Julian the Apostate's campaigns against the Germanic tribes. Following the Battle of Reims, Julian's forces pursued several Germanic war bands through the Gallic countryside. Outside Brocomagus (Brumath), one war band met Julian in open battle and the Romans were victorious. Although casualties were not numerous, the Germanic defeat was sufficiently great to have a deterrent effect on other tribal groups in the area, and to partially restore order.