Battle of Fort Eben-Emael

The Battle of Fort Eben-Emael was a battle between Belgian and German forces that took place between 10 May and 11 May 1940, and was part of the Battle of Belgium and Fall Gelb, the German invasion of the Low Countries and France. An assault force of German paratroopers, Fallschirmjäger, was tasked with assaulting and capturing Fort Eben-Emael; a Belgian fortress whose strategic position and strong artillery emplacements dominated several important bridges over the Albert Canal. The easterly roads led into the Belgium heartland and the rest of the Low Countries. These roads were what the German forces intended to use to advance into Belgium. As some of the German airborne forces assaulted the fortress and disabled the garrison and the artillery pieces inside it, others simultaneously captu

Battle of Fort Eben-Emael

The Battle of Fort Eben-Emael was a battle between Belgian and German forces that took place between 10 May and 11 May 1940, and was part of the Battle of Belgium and Fall Gelb, the German invasion of the Low Countries and France. An assault force of German paratroopers, Fallschirmjäger, was tasked with assaulting and capturing Fort Eben-Emael; a Belgian fortress whose strategic position and strong artillery emplacements dominated several important bridges over the Albert Canal. The easterly roads led into the Belgium heartland and the rest of the Low Countries. These roads were what the German forces intended to use to advance into Belgium. As some of the German airborne forces assaulted the fortress and disabled the garrison and the artillery pieces inside it, others simultaneously captu