Battle of Kretsch

The Battle of Kretsch occurred on 19 August 1435 and was the last real battle of the Hussite Wars. A year earlier, the Battle of Lipany brought an end to most Hussite power in Bohemia, but some groups had still continued fighting. Ulrich II von Rosenberg defeated the Taborites near the village of Kretsch, which brought an end to their ability to carry out attacks. After this battle the radical Hussites at Tabor began to make an agreement with Emperor Sigismund.

Battle of Kretsch

The Battle of Kretsch occurred on 19 August 1435 and was the last real battle of the Hussite Wars. A year earlier, the Battle of Lipany brought an end to most Hussite power in Bohemia, but some groups had still continued fighting. Ulrich II von Rosenberg defeated the Taborites near the village of Kretsch, which brought an end to their ability to carry out attacks. After this battle the radical Hussites at Tabor began to make an agreement with Emperor Sigismund.