Battle of Punk Hill

The Battle of Punk Hill was a relatively minor skirmish in the greater Forage War of the American Revolutionary War, but it narrowly missed being a major turning point. Approximately 3000 British regulars left Amboy for the Punk Hill area, ostensibly on a foraging expedition. General William Maxwell observed this movement from a nearby hill and sent a small detachment to harass the British on the left and sent a larger force to the right towards Bonhamtown, hoping to outflank them. The larger force consisted of two detachments, one from Col. Potter's Pennsylvania militia and commanded by Col. Cook. the other detachment was from Col. Thacher's New England troops.

Battle of Punk Hill

The Battle of Punk Hill was a relatively minor skirmish in the greater Forage War of the American Revolutionary War, but it narrowly missed being a major turning point. Approximately 3000 British regulars left Amboy for the Punk Hill area, ostensibly on a foraging expedition. General William Maxwell observed this movement from a nearby hill and sent a small detachment to harass the British on the left and sent a larger force to the right towards Bonhamtown, hoping to outflank them. The larger force consisted of two detachments, one from Col. Potter's Pennsylvania militia and commanded by Col. Cook. the other detachment was from Col. Thacher's New England troops.