Bauerngraben (Harz)

The Bauerngraben, also called the Hungersee, is a lake in Germany between Breitungen, Agnesdorf and Roßla in the South Harz. It is an intermittent lake of about 350 metres in length and 100 metres in width, into which the Glasebach disappears. A feature of this lake is its sudden disappearance from time to time, when the outlet opens due to the removal of material. The lake can then become dry for a long period. The Bauerngraben ist part of the Gipskarstlandschaft Questenberg nature reserve.

Bauerngraben (Harz)

The Bauerngraben, also called the Hungersee, is a lake in Germany between Breitungen, Agnesdorf and Roßla in the South Harz. It is an intermittent lake of about 350 metres in length and 100 metres in width, into which the Glasebach disappears. A feature of this lake is its sudden disappearance from time to time, when the outlet opens due to the removal of material. The lake can then become dry for a long period. The Bauerngraben ist part of the Gipskarstlandschaft Questenberg nature reserve.