Beacon High School (Massachusetts)

Beacon High School is a private day school located in Watertown, Massachusetts, USA. It provides a therapeutic, alternative, co-educational program designed for students with emotional or psychiatric problems, as well as mild to moderate learning disabilities. It serves approximately 60 students, ranging in age from 14-22. Beacon High School is Chapter 766-approved by the Massachusetts Department of Education and certified by the Watertown School Committee to grant diplomas.

Beacon High School (Massachusetts)

Beacon High School is a private day school located in Watertown, Massachusetts, USA. It provides a therapeutic, alternative, co-educational program designed for students with emotional or psychiatric problems, as well as mild to moderate learning disabilities. It serves approximately 60 students, ranging in age from 14-22. Beacon High School is Chapter 766-approved by the Massachusetts Department of Education and certified by the Watertown School Committee to grant diplomas.