Beals (crater)

Beals is a lunar impact crater that is located near the eastern limb of the Moon, and lies across the southwestern rim of the crater Riemann. From the Earth the crater is viewed nearly from on edge, and is best seen during favorable librations. To the west is the large walled plain Gauss. Beals was formerly designated Riemann A, a satellite crater of Riemann, until the International Astronomical Union renamed it in 1982 to commemorate Carlyle S. Beals, a Canadian astronomer. Prior to the crater being designated Riemann A, this crater was known as Crater 110.

Beals (crater)

Beals is a lunar impact crater that is located near the eastern limb of the Moon, and lies across the southwestern rim of the crater Riemann. From the Earth the crater is viewed nearly from on edge, and is best seen during favorable librations. To the west is the large walled plain Gauss. Beals was formerly designated Riemann A, a satellite crater of Riemann, until the International Astronomical Union renamed it in 1982 to commemorate Carlyle S. Beals, a Canadian astronomer. Prior to the crater being designated Riemann A, this crater was known as Crater 110.