Beauty Case

Beauty Case was an Australian television series which aired from 12 February to 5 November 1958 on Sydney station TCN-9. The weekly series was broadcast on Wednesdays. TV listings suggest the episodes usually aired in a 45-minute time-slot. Unusual time-slots (such as 35 minures, 25 minutes and even 5 minutes) were not unheard of on early Australian television. Assuming the series had a sponsor, it is not known what the running time was minus the commercials. As the title suggests, the series was about beauty and fashion. It was produced and compered by Elaine White.

Beauty Case

Beauty Case was an Australian television series which aired from 12 February to 5 November 1958 on Sydney station TCN-9. The weekly series was broadcast on Wednesdays. TV listings suggest the episodes usually aired in a 45-minute time-slot. Unusual time-slots (such as 35 minures, 25 minutes and even 5 minutes) were not unheard of on early Australian television. Assuming the series had a sponsor, it is not known what the running time was minus the commercials. As the title suggests, the series was about beauty and fashion. It was produced and compered by Elaine White.