Beith Parish Churches

Beith Parish Church was formed from the Union of Beith High Church and Beith Trinity Church. Services are held in the former High Church building in Kirk Road The Beith High Church was built in 1807 and extended in 1885. Gothic T-plan kirk dominated by the tall five-stage tower. Stained glass by Gordon Webster. Harrison & Harrison pipe organ 1885. The High Church is a category B listed building. The archives of Beith Church are maintained by the Archives of the University of Glasgow (GUAS).

Beith Parish Churches

Beith Parish Church was formed from the Union of Beith High Church and Beith Trinity Church. Services are held in the former High Church building in Kirk Road The Beith High Church was built in 1807 and extended in 1885. Gothic T-plan kirk dominated by the tall five-stage tower. Stained glass by Gordon Webster. Harrison & Harrison pipe organ 1885. The High Church is a category B listed building. The archives of Beith Church are maintained by the Archives of the University of Glasgow (GUAS).