Belarusian ruble

The Belarusian ruble (Belarusian: рубель rubieĺ, (partitive) genitive plural: рублёў rublioŭ) is the official currency of Belarus. The symbol for the ruble is Br and the ISO 4217 code is BYR. It has been replaced by the new ruble (a redenomination of the existing ruble) in 1 July 2016, but will still be in use until January 2017.

Belarusian ruble

The Belarusian ruble (Belarusian: рубель rubieĺ, (partitive) genitive plural: рублёў rublioŭ) is the official currency of Belarus. The symbol for the ruble is Br and the ISO 4217 code is BYR. It has been replaced by the new ruble (a redenomination of the existing ruble) in 1 July 2016, but will still be in use until January 2017.