Belizean Creole people

Belizean Creoles, also known as Kriols, are Creole descendants of Black African, enslaved and brought to Belize, and English and Scottish log cutters, who were known as the Baymen. Over the years they have also intermarried with Miskito from Nicaragua, Jamaicans and other West Indians, Mestizos, and East Indians, who were brought to Belize as indentured laborers. These varied peoples have all mixed to create this ethnic group.

Belizean Creole people

Belizean Creoles, also known as Kriols, are Creole descendants of Black African, enslaved and brought to Belize, and English and Scottish log cutters, who were known as the Baymen. Over the years they have also intermarried with Miskito from Nicaragua, Jamaicans and other West Indians, Mestizos, and East Indians, who were brought to Belize as indentured laborers. These varied peoples have all mixed to create this ethnic group.