Bellevue Literary Review

Bellevue Literary Review is a literary journal that publishes fiction, nonfiction and poetry about the human body, illness, health and healing. The Bellevue Literary Review is based in Bellevue Hospital, the oldest public hospital in the United States, and has been published by the Department of Medicine at New York University since 2001. Selections from the Bellevue Literary Review have been reprinted in the Pushcart Prize anthology, and have appeared on the notable lists of The Best American Essays, Best American Travel Writing, and The Best American Nonrequired Reading.

Bellevue Literary Review

Bellevue Literary Review is a literary journal that publishes fiction, nonfiction and poetry about the human body, illness, health and healing. The Bellevue Literary Review is based in Bellevue Hospital, the oldest public hospital in the United States, and has been published by the Department of Medicine at New York University since 2001. Selections from the Bellevue Literary Review have been reprinted in the Pushcart Prize anthology, and have appeared on the notable lists of The Best American Essays, Best American Travel Writing, and The Best American Nonrequired Reading.