BenchWarmers DVD Magazine

BenchWarmers DVD Magazine is a platform for independent artists and musicians, produced by Tane at The first volume was released in January 2005 featuring music from North Carolina artists Maintane, Living Dead, and more; all graffiti footage was provided by Tane and Joe Schmo. BenchWarmers is now in its 9th volume (released December 2009), with an expanded concept and increased scope of musicians, artists, and customers.

BenchWarmers DVD Magazine

BenchWarmers DVD Magazine is a platform for independent artists and musicians, produced by Tane at The first volume was released in January 2005 featuring music from North Carolina artists Maintane, Living Dead, and more; all graffiti footage was provided by Tane and Joe Schmo. BenchWarmers is now in its 9th volume (released December 2009), with an expanded concept and increased scope of musicians, artists, and customers.