Bendi Pinghua

The Bendi language, Bendihua (Chinese: 本地话), is a variety of Guibei Pinghua (桂北平话) influenced by Kam (Dong). It is spoken by about 25,000 people in Tongdao Dong Autonomous County, Hunan, China (Shi 2015:137). Although Bendihua speakers are classified by the Chinese government as ethnic Han, the speakers consider themselves to be a distinct ethnic group, and not Han or Kam.

Bendi Pinghua

The Bendi language, Bendihua (Chinese: 本地话), is a variety of Guibei Pinghua (桂北平话) influenced by Kam (Dong). It is spoken by about 25,000 people in Tongdao Dong Autonomous County, Hunan, China (Shi 2015:137). Although Bendihua speakers are classified by the Chinese government as ethnic Han, the speakers consider themselves to be a distinct ethnic group, and not Han or Kam.