Bermudian pound

The pound was the currency of Bermuda until 1970. It was equivalent to the British pound, alongside which it circulated, and was similarly divided into 20 shillings each of 12 pence. Bermuda decimalised in 1970, replacing the pound with the Bermudian dollar at a rate of 1 dollar = 8 shillings 4 pence (i.e., 100 pence), equal to the U.S. dollar.

Bermudian pound

The pound was the currency of Bermuda until 1970. It was equivalent to the British pound, alongside which it circulated, and was similarly divided into 20 shillings each of 12 pence. Bermuda decimalised in 1970, replacing the pound with the Bermudian dollar at a rate of 1 dollar = 8 shillings 4 pence (i.e., 100 pence), equal to the U.S. dollar.