Bestial beast

The Bestial Beast (Portuguese: besta-fera) is a Brazilian version of a centaur, originating in Portugal. The name can be translated either as bestial beast or ferocious beast and is often employed in a figured sense to refer to anyone that is exceedingly angered. According to legend, it is believed that it is the Devil who leaves hell during full-moon nights. According to legend, though terrible, it is not dangerous to people. The tradition says that when somebody sees its face, they go mad for several days, but then recover soon after

Bestial beast

The Bestial Beast (Portuguese: besta-fera) is a Brazilian version of a centaur, originating in Portugal. The name can be translated either as bestial beast or ferocious beast and is often employed in a figured sense to refer to anyone that is exceedingly angered. According to legend, it is believed that it is the Devil who leaves hell during full-moon nights. According to legend, though terrible, it is not dangerous to people. The tradition says that when somebody sees its face, they go mad for several days, but then recover soon after